Sunday Morning With Us
For those considering being with us on Sunday morning for worship:
Our Sunday liturgy begins at 10:00 AM.
Some people choose to arrive a few minutes early to observe a few moments of silence, reflection, or personal prayer while seated in the pews. -
Entering the building at the Front Street entrance will take you most directly into the back of our Nave (worship area). Entering the building at the North River Avenue entrance will take you into our social hall. The bathrooms are located along the hallway connecting the social hall to the front of the Nave.
We do not have a nursery. Kids of all ages attend the liturgy with the adults. If you need to get up and move around in the Nave with your child or leave and re-enter the Nave at any time to tend to your child’s needs, please feel free to do so.
Most Sunday’s, our liturgy is Rite II (modern English), with hymns from the 1982 Hymnal, accompanied by either organ or piano. One Sunday a month, Father Fred Stevenson joins us as celebrant. On those Sundays, the liturgy is typically Rite I (old English), with no music.
Most attendees dress either casually or comfortably.
We use incense.
The service typically lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.
All may come forward to the altar rail during Communion. Anyone who has been baptized may partake of the consecrated bread and wine. Anyone present may come forward to the altar rail to receive a blessing by the priest. To receive a blessing only (and not the bread and wine), simply fold your arms across your chest, and Mother Dina will come to you at the altar rail and pray a blessing for and over you.
In consideration of the health of all those in attendance, those receiving Communion may choose to do so in one of three ways at the altar:
Wafer from the priest & Wine from the common cup
Wafer from the priest & Wine from an individual cup
Wafer & Wine in individual cups -
At the conclusion of the service, all are welcome to go to the social hall for ‘coffee hour’ where coffee and snacks are provided in a relaxed space and time for conversation and fellowship.
The entire service is printed in the bulletin posted on our website, as well as in a paper copy available on Sunday morning from the usher. If you have any questions, please ask someone around you. At various times in the service, you will be invited to various actions such as standing, kneeling, genuflecting, and crossing oneself. These are all invitations — participate to the extent that you are comfortable and able.
If at any point during the liturgy, you are unsure what to do or how to respond,
remember these wise words printed on a sign leading from our social hall to the Nave:Whoever enters this church
Remember it serves as a house of God;
revere, think & pray;
don’t leave it without praying to God for yourself,
those who minister,
those who worship,
and for all people everywhere.