St. Matthew's Episcopal


St. Matthew Episcopal Church

Welcome to the website of Saint Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Sunbury, PA.


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

All are welcome to be with us in our Sunday morning worship.

All who are baptized are invited to join with us at the altar rail and receive
the consecrated bread and wine.

Anyone and everyone may come with and among us to the altar rail to receive a blessing from our priest, through whom flows the love of God and the love of our community.

Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible for us to begin live-streaming our services.  To view our recent services, please visit our YouTube page at: St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Sunbury, PA – YouTube

Get to know us through ……

Our most recent bulletin

Recent sermons by Rev. Dina and Father Fred

Calendar of Activities for July 2024

Our upcoming worship schedule

Praying for and with us

A prayerful walk through our church building

The Eucharist

The book of common prayer

Recent news

Upcoming events

 In the Eucharist we hear the words, “The gifts of God for the people of God”, and in our congregation we strive also to see, “the people of God as gifts of God”.

Visit us on Facebook:
St Matthew’s Facebook

Click here to view Mother Dina’s ordination service at St. Matthew’s on July 15th.

Click here to read the article in the Daily Item newspaper regarding Mother Dina and St. Matthew’s.

All trademarks and copyrighted material are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2009-2024 St. Matthew's Episcopal; Sunbury, PA. All Rights Reserved.